Pain After Gallbladder Removal Surgery

Published: February 10, 2017
Last reviewed: March 16, 2018

Most individuals can expect to have mild to moderate pain for several days to weeks after gallbladder removal surgery. If the pain lasts longer or appears months later, it can be a sign of a surgery complication.

Expected Pain Due To a Surgical Procedure

The pain after surgery can arise from a surgical wound or the gas insufflated into the abdominal cavity during the procedure.

1. Pain From a Surgical Incision or Scar

Pain in the surgical incision can persist for few days after laparoscopic and few weeks after open gallbladder surgery.

A surgical wound that is painful, reddened, swollen or draining needs to be checked by a doctor for an infection.

Normal scars should not be painful. Raised and red scars can be itchy or painful for months or years [1].

2. Pain From the Insufflated Gas

The gas that has been insufflated into the abdominal cavity during a laparoscopic surgery can irritate the abdominal membrane (peritoneum) and cause sharp pain in the abdomen. Additionally, the gas can irritate the diaphragm muscle between the abdominal and chest cavity and cause pain in the lower chest and middle back and referred pain at the tip of the right, left or both shoulder blades [2]. The gas and pain usually disappear in few days.

Pain Due To Surgery Side Effects or Complications

The pain that is severe or lasts for more than a month after surgery can be due to a surgery complication or side effect of the changed bile flow.

1. Internal Infection

Abdominal infection can cause fever, chills, severe abdominal pain or pus draining from the surgical wound [3].

2. Bile Leakage

Bile leakage can occur after an accidental injury of the bile duct during the surgery [4,5].

3. Bile Reflux

Bile reflux can cause gastritis, peptic ulcer or esophagitis with gnawing stomach pain, burning pain behind the breastbone (heartburn) or acid burps [3,4,6,12,13,14].

4. Adhesions

Adhesions are bands of the connective tissue (internal scars) that often develop between the organs after abdominal surgery. They can pull the gallbladder duct, liver or intestine and cause vague right upper abdominal pains [4,7]. Adhesions can be found and removed by a laparoscopic procedure [15].

5. Bile Duct Obstruction

Bile duct obstruction can be caused by [3,4,5,8,9,17]:

  • Gallstones or bile crystals (microlithiasis)
  • Strictures

Symptoms of bile duct obstruction can include:

  • Pain in the right upper abdomen that appears within an hour after a meal (or at any time) remains constant for 30 minutes to several hours, radiates to the middle right back or right shoulder blade and is accompanied by nausea or vomiting
  • Fever or jaundice, which speaks for a bile duct inflammation (cholangitis)

6. Acute Pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis, which rarely develops after gallbladder removal, can cause dull pain in the upper middle or left abdomen, nausea, vomiting and fever [6].

Other common causes of right upper abdominal pain include muscle strain, trapped wind, peptic ulcer, pleurisy and congestive heart failure with an enlarged liver.

Treatment of Postoperative Pain

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, ketoprofen or rofecoxib, should help in mild to moderate pain [18]. For stronger pain, a doctor can prescribe narcotics, such as morphine [18]. Doctors tend to avoid prescribing morphine if they suspect that the pain may be due to sphincter of Oddi dysfunction because it can worsen the pain [18].

What to do if you still have pain months after gallbladder removal?

Pain that persists for months or years after the surgery is not normal, especially if it is associated with nausea, vomiting, fever or jaundice. In order to find the cause, you can discuss with your doctor about investigations, such as:

  • Classical abdominal or endoscopic ultrasound
  • A type of magnetic resonance imaging called MRCP
  • An endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
  • Laparoscopic investigation of the abdomen

Phantom Gallbladder Pain

If nothing is found, a motility disorder of the bile duct called sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD) should be suspected. The pain from SOD, which often develops after gallbladder removal, can be similar to pain from the gallbladder, so it is often called phantom gallbladder pain.

  • References

      1. Wilhelmi BJ, Widened and Hypertrophic Scar Healing, Presentation  Emedicine
      2. Abdominal Pain from Laparoscopic Surgery  AbdoMend
      3. Laparoscopic Gallbladder Removal (Cholecystectomy) Patient Information from SAGES
      4. Girometti R et al, 2010, Post-cholecystectomy syndrome: spectrum of biliary findings at magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography  PubMed Central
      5. Duca S et al, 2003, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: incidents and complications. A retrospective analysis of 9542 consecutive laparoscopic operations  PubMed Central
      6. Jensen SW, Postcholecystectomy syndrome, overview  Emedicine
      7. Hyvärinen H et al, Intestinal adhesions: an overlooked cause of the postcholecystectomy syndrome  PubMed
      8. Okoro N et al, 2008, Ursodeoxycholic acid treatment for patients with postcholecystectomy pain and bile microlithiasis  PubMed
      9. Okoron N et al, 2008, Ursodeoxycholic acid treatment for patients with postcholecystectomy pain and bile microlithiasis  PubMed
      10. Otto S Lin, The Association between Cholecystectomy and Gastroesophageal Reflux Symptoms: A Prospective Controlled Study  PubMed Central
      11. Gupta R et al, 2014, Evaluation of gastroesophageal reflux after laparoscopic cholecystectomy using combined impedance-pH monitoring  PubMed
      12. Ahmad BN et al, 2003, Duodenogastric reflux, an important cause of post-cholecystectomy symptoms  MedIND
      13. Kalima T et al, 1981, Bile reflux after cholecystectomy  PubMed
      14. Chen H et al, 2010, Rabeprazole combined with hydrotalcite is effective for patients with bile reflux gastritis after cholecystectomy  PubMed Central
      15. Villanueva MSS, Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis,  Emedicine
      16. Brugge WR, Bile Duct Strictures Treatment & Management  Emedicine
      17. Rome II diagnostic criteria for functional gastrointestinal disorders
      18. Bisgaard T, 2006, Analgesic Treatment after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Critical Assessment of the Evidence  Anesthesiology

136 Responses to Pain After Gallbladder Removal Surgery

  1. Jan says:

    Should read 3 weeks post-op! Oops?

  2. Jan says:

    Oh my…I was hoping for some encouraging words! Three years post-op from gallbladder removal and I’m experiencing the exact pain many of you are speaking of. A sharp sudden pain under my right rib cage and it radiates around to the right side of my back. These are not phantom pains…they literally cause me to moan with the pain. Doctor at my post-op appointment told me they should go away…but after reading several of your post I’m worried? I’m just truly ready to feel better….no pain! I hate complaining…think my husband thinks I’m crazy? But the pain is REAL!

  3. Connie A Clements says:

    I had my gallbladder removed in December of 2018, since my surgery I have been experiencing a lot of pain. I have a constant burning pain along with cramping and sharp stabbing pain. At time the pain is strong enough to knock me to my knees. I was told by my surgeon that the pain was normal and would subside with time, however it continues to worsen. My pain level stays around a 6 and shoots to a crippling 10 through out the day.

  4. bob says:

    had my gall bladder removed ,author.jan 2018, less then a week after surgery ,was back in hospital with a bowl obstruction, surgeon says could not be by anything they did,?.I have pain off and on under my left and right rib cage,.also have had digestive problem ever since, gas and acid pains.seems like all the doctors say the same .are they covering up for their mistakes.phantom pain is not the answer, they just don’t have an answer.why can’t they just own up to having goofed.frustrated,angry. and disappointed.thought the pain would go away by getting gall bladder operation, mistake better off before removal.

  5. Sherry nelson says:

    Had my gallbladder out on October 2018, and since the day after have been in more pain that ever. I can’t sleep on my right side at all, it feels like all of my ribs are broken. Also feels like there’s a ball under my right ribs. Thought I was getting relief from a ercp today but the dr said it wasn’t necessary, plus he said I would probably spend the next week in the hospital with pancreatitis from it. Is there nothing they can do for this. So tired of the pain! Any help out there?

    • Josie says:

      I would find a different doctor to check you out!

    • Lucas says:

      I had surgery to remove the gallbladder 5 days ago and now it feels like my ribs on my rhs are broken or something and when i breathe in it hurts. Has anyone had similar and if so have you been told what is causing it?
      Thank you have a great day

  6. mary says:

    Hi, I had gallbladder surgery in 2014. I had an emergency surgery because a stone went into my small intestine. I was in the hospital for a week after the surgery. It has been 5 years since then and I am still experiencing pain on my right side under my rib cage. I was told it was scar tissue. The pain comes and goes but is very painful. So bad I want to cry. What can I do to alleviate the pain without any more surgery? I also found out I had a hernia and just had surgery for that. Any answer would be greatly appreciated. The doctors keep telling me there is nothing else they can do.

    • HILLARY MARIE says:

      I have a similar story ; as i sit and type this, pain in the same E x a c t area where it’was before the g.b. was removed in Dec.. Why is this so?/ the pain can be excrutiating. last week , due to ? reaction to a medicine unrelated, i ended up in an e.r. due to sig. pain , shooting pains going up right side internally, insanely painful hellish gastric relux that i am somewhat surprised did not rupture my esophagus.. thank-You, esophogus..
      so, in the e.r. ,, tests were taken, blood test revealing ” high liver and pancreas levels”.. doxc. wanted to admit me! ended up in an actual hospital for days, many test, No Conclusive results other than, me, a former marathon racer, Non-Drinker of alchohol, as having ‘non-alchoholic fatty liver’.. are you Kidding me?? turned out, That was from a medicine!! a medicine and internal medical doc. in Vail had prescribed!! GAGGHHHKK.

      the fatty liver thing has abated, as it’was from a prescribed med. i stopped taking… the pain,, still comes and goes.. Life goes on.. Pancreatis at My age, with My health standards: unacceptable. FIGHT TIL YOU FIND ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Joanne Nelson says:

        May I ask what the name of the medicine was? I had my gallbladder removed in Feb 2018 and have since had similar gallstone pain, pain under my right ribs, pain that goes around like a band right about where a bra strap would be and now my liver enzymes are elevated. Going to see my GI Dr. So frustrating though.

  7. JJ says:

    Ok, I have one thing to say. I do not believe in phantom pains or ghost pains after gallbladder surgery, I think it’s an excuse the drs wanna give cause they don’t know what’s going on and don’t wanna take the time to actually figure it out! My husband had gallbladder surgery at the end of March 2017. He has had moderate to severe pain since, has had bouts of throwing up every time he eats and feeling nauseous all day. He went back to the surgeon who only told him that the pain was in his head. He has been to a gastro dr, who was concerned enough to send him to another specialist, we didn’t go cause it was a 3 hour trip one way, funds were tight. The last dr he saw was very concerned about what it could be and scheduled an upper scope. He didn’t get it done cause the hospital this surgeon used was closing within a week and the hospital wanted all the money up front. He has had all kinds of blood work, xrays and ultrasounds, all show nothing. We are still searching. No one should be in this much pain over a year and a half after surgery.

  8. Dianna says:

    I had my GB removed not two weeks ago and I been feeling very tired, weak, feeling like I may throw up and an annoyingly dull ache is both my left and right sides near the ribs. The ribs on the right side get worse with deep breathing or any amount of pressure on either side. I can only sleep on my back, no other choice and sometimes the ache extends into my center chest.

    Anyone have any advise?

    • Spencer says:

      I’m 8 weeks post op and still very tired. I could sleep as soon as a sit down anywhere. The pain does get better but I still experience it under both ribs and when I eat it hurts in-between my shoulder blades. I didn’t eat for 7 weeks because it made me vomit but this last week I’ve forced myself to eat and put up with being sick. My Dr ordered more bloods which are all normal and is sending me for a third ultrasound. You’re very early on in your recovery. Stick with it and don’t over do things : that’s what I did. If you still feel bad go see your Dr, they will help you get by this stage, but most importantly don’t expect to much of yourself. You’ve not long had surgery and your body needs to recover properly. I thought I was fine and could do things before my body was ready and it’s made my recovery harder. Take my advice, rest and listen to what your body is feeling/telling you and maybe see your Dr even if it’s just for reassurance.

  9. Dee Dee White says:

    My daughter had laparoscopic gallbladder surgery on May 19th 2018. She has been having umbilical discomfort that is increasing to slight pain with no other symptoms a month and 1/2 after surgery. What could be happening?

  10. Debra says:

    Had gallbladder removal Valentine’s Day 2017. Was doing fine then began having severe pulling pain on my right side – inside. Pulling seemed to be random…so I could be walking then cry out in pain. When that isn’t happening, it feels as if there is a lump the size of my fist in that same area – no pain, just a feeling. Specialist had explained I may get phantom pain. Saw my family doctor who said too about phantom pain. I had x-ray, ultrasound and ctscan but nothing found. What can this be? I cannot stand the pain. Any suggestions for investigations or what it could be would be sooo helpful. Thanks

    • Lamar newton says:

      Had gall bladder surgery 7-11-18.Did pretty well until last night, one week after surgery. Had sever pain I lower right side. This morning am very sore where pain was attaching me. Had laparoscopic surgery. Any thoughts.

  11. Rekha Karmakar says:

    I have gone through micro surgery of gallbladder in 2010.

    Feeling pain in same area of gallbladder , right side of upper abdomen.

    What is the reason for pain.

    • Marvin42 says:

      could be scar tissue or incision pain if the pain is more towards the surface of your skin, or SOD bile duct issues if deeper inside and worse after eating.
      I have SOD, and also muscle pain in the area because my muscles in the area are still weaker years later.
      The SOD sucks, comes and goes, certain foods and stress make it worse. Can be very painful. It’s the valve at the bottom of the tubes between your liver, pancreas, and bowel that drains the bile and pancreatic enzymes into your bowel. When they remove the gallbladder, sometimes, like me, this valve get’s upset and starts to spasm, holding back those fluids. It’s causing me liver issues, and lots of pain.
      Also causes me really bad constipation, so I have to take fiber and non-medicine laxatives – magnesium supplements work, and are good to help you relax and sleep, or something non-habit forming like Miralax. Avoid the ones that stimulate your colon like Senna or ducolax, these can make the valve pain worse, and are habit forming.
      explain your pain to your gastro doctor as see if they can do a HIDA scan, to see what the tube and valve look like. it can show the valve holding in the fluids and expanding.
      not 100% test, but can help see it. Some people have this with no obvious test results of any kind.. can be frustrating!!
      They can also do an ERCP test if your pain is really really bad, but it’s risky, as is them cutting the valve to open it up, so avoid that if you can!
      things you can do, starting with the simplest..
      What helps mine is eating simple foods, whatever you tolerate well, there are no rules to this, but hard to digest meats and fats seem to be the common bad guys, for me it’s some veggies – green peppers, dark chocolate, bananas, peanut butter.
      So experiment and eat what works.
      Also, ask for some kind of anti-spasm medicine, like hyoscyamine, sublingual is best.
      This stuff is great, but the first time you try it it may make your heart beat fast, that goes away after a while of use, and it really really dries you out. It is also used to help people who sweat too much, so be careful if you’re going to be in the heat, and keep your self hydrated. On the good side, it really does help with this pain, at least for me.
      and it also prevents motion sickness as a side effect!.. ;0) It’s based off of scapalomine, which they use for motion sickness too.
      Also, exercise helps a lot, and hot showers, hot tub, etc.. whatever relaxes you.
      And a weird one, but for some reason, every time I have a colonoscopy, I feel better for a while afterwords.
      Others have said the same thing, and we all think it might be the bowel prep, where you fast for a couple of days and clear you bowels out, totally!!! weird I know, but it seems to work. One of those out there solutions!
      For some reason this seems to help reset things, so you can try that if things get really bad, see if it resets that valve, your liver, your bowels, etc.. just look up colonoscopy Bowel prep and try it, not fun, but worth a shot if you are desperate.
      But ask your doc about SOD, get the HIDA scan if you can to start, not a big test, try some anti-spasm medicine, maybe even a muscle relaxer like valium or something for the really bad times, eat simple, avoid caffeine!! makes it much worse,
      exercise, and if desperate try a bowel prep, see if that helps.
      Also ask your doctor about incision pain, scar tissue, and adhesions, if the pain seems more to the skin side, not deep inside.
      You’re not alone, dealing with this big time myself, really sucks, but there are things that can help you control it.. and it seems to come and go, get better and worse,
      Stress makes it worse big time,so exercise some and try to chill, use heat, swimming is good.
      Good luck and wish you well!!

      • jen says:

        read your story and im going through the same..need to get in contact with u

        • cathy koester says:

          wow thank you for info…more than the docs give. Now i know why they rip these out of people without trying alt. things first. Got the bill they sent to insurance almost 40k. They only got under 9k but it just goes to show the scam going on. I should have ran when my surgeon said he had done 8 thousand of these operations …gallbladder…alone. Use to have such back pain front pain found out it was bowels but the pain and fullness always is there. I am weak and only feel better laying down. Im 6 months in and see no end in sight for feeling better. Can usually push through but sometimes just cry it all gets old and there is a fear to eat yet i have gained 16 lbs without doing much bad eating. So not fair. lol. I feel like something under rib is blocked somehow. Even drinking meals makes me feel like i just ate thanksgiving dinner. That is supper unfair. ugh. Just drank a bottle of clean out stuff………cheers…..double ugh

    • Andrea G Hussmann-Johnston says:

      Hi. I know your feeling. I had my GB out in 2016, and I just started up with the pain again. It’s like my gall bladder stones are back. I’m not sure what’s going on either. I will monitor my food and see if anything triggers it. The other thought. I’m trying to watch my weight, and now this mess is back. Ibuprofen will help, but only for a little while. Sometimes I make a wrong move and I get pain under both the rib cages, making it hard to breath normally, it also started radiating around to my back. I haven’t figured out, but I’m scheduling an appointment with the Dr. oh yeah, and I’m getting acid reflux on occasion too. So all systems are coming back, without having the Gallbladder. No phantom pains here, they are real.

  12. Biswajit Mondal says:

    I had my gallbladder removed 1 month ago . I’ve little bit constipation…now I’m feeling pain under breastbone while giving little burping pressure, also when I’m trying to sleep on the left side I’m feeling mild pain on side of left side rib cage.this type pain sometime occurred backside or any side of chest & shoulder also I’ve little pain in middle left side of abdomen..why it’s happening??

    • Anna says:

      You’re going through something very similar to what I’m going through it sounds like, and it’s been since December of 2017 that I had my surgery. Ask your doctor, but you can increase your fiber and water for constipation; try to avoid foods that cause constipation for that matter. Cheese, chocolate, peanut butter. etc. are some of the worst offenders. Walk a lot and be as active as your pain will allow, assuming your doctor gives you the go-ahead.

  13. Micah says:

    Hi. I had my gallbladder removed 10 weeks ago. I have been in bed for almost 2 weeks. I have a burning pain under my rib cage where the gallbladder was. Nothing showed up on a Hyda-Scan (testing for SOD dysfunction), an MRI or blood work. The gastro Dr. mentioned doing an MRI MRCP. Any thoughts what I am experiencing?

    • Marvin42 says:

      does it only hurt after you eat? or is it when you move?
      after eating, it’s the ducts or tubes most likely..
      could be incision pain, we all heal differently.
      if it’s more when you move, this could be it, or adhesions!! they don’t like talking about this, but it’s common.
      could be constipation too due to the changes in your bile flow etc.

      sounds like the doctor is doing their best, those are the right tests..
      unfortunately I’ve read that sometimes with SOD, test show nothing.
      My HIDA scan showed low level SOD, all other tests are normal.
      And the stats show for people with this kind of pain, ERCP and MRCP where they cut the valve doesn’t help as much.. it sucks!!!
      here is an answer I gave another person. see if this helps..

      could be scar tissue or incision pain if the pain is more towards the surface of your skin, or SOD bile duct issues if deeper inside and worse after eating.
      I have SOD, and also muscle pain in the area because my muscles in the area are still weaker years later.
      The SOD sucks, comes and goes, certain foods and stress make it worse. Can be very painful. It’s the valve at the bottom of the tubes between your liver, pancreas, and bowel that drains the bile and pancreatic enzymes into your bowel. When they remove the gallbladder, sometimes, like me, this valve get’s upset and starts to spasm, holding back those fluids. It’s causing me liver issues, and lots of pain.
      Also causes me really bad constipation, so I have to take fiber and non-medicine laxatives – magnesium supplements work, and are good to help you relax and sleep, or something non-habit forming like Miralax. Avoid the ones that stimulate your colon like Senna or ducolax, these can make the valve pain worse, and are habit forming.
      explain your pain to your gastro doctor as see if they can do a HIDA scan, to see what the tube and valve look like. it can show the valve holding in the fluids and expanding.
      not 100% test, but can help see it. Some people have this with no obvious test results of any kind.. can be frustrating!!
      They can also do an ERCP test if your pain is really really bad, but it’s risky, as is them cutting the valve to open it up, so avoid that if you can!
      things you can do, starting with the simplest..
      What helps mine is eating simple foods, whatever you tolerate well, there are no rules to this, but hard to digest meats and fats seem to be the common bad guys, for me it’s some veggies – green peppers, dark chocolate, bananas, peanut butter.
      So experiment and eat what works.
      Also, ask for some kind of anti-spasm medicine, like hyoscyamine, sublingual is best.
      This stuff is great, but the first time you try it it may make your heart beat fast, that goes away after a while of use, and it really really dries you out. It is also used to help people who sweat too much, so be careful if you’re going to be in the heat, and keep your self hydrated. On the good side, it really does help with this pain, at least for me.
      and it also prevents motion sickness as a side effect!.. ;0) It’s based off of scapalomine, which they use for motion sickness too.
      Also, exercise helps a lot, and hot showers, hot tub, etc.. whatever relaxes you.
      And a weird one, but for some reason, every time I have a colonoscopy, I feel better for a while afterwords.
      Others have said the same thing, and we all think it might be the bowel prep, where you fast for a couple of days and clear you bowels out, totally!!! weird I know, but it seems to work. One of those out there solutions!
      For some reason this seems to help reset things, so you can try that if things get really bad, see if it resets that valve, your liver, your bowels, etc.. just look up colonoscopy Bowel prep and try it, not fun, but worth a shot if you are desperate.
      But ask your doc about SOD, get the HIDA scan if you can to start, not a big test, try some anti-spasm medicine, maybe even a muscle relaxer like valium or something for the really bad times, eat simple, avoid caffeine!! makes it much worse,
      exercise, and if desperate try a bowel prep, see if that helps.
      Also ask your doctor about incision pain, scar tissue, and adhesions, if the pain seems more to the skin side, not deep inside.
      You’re not alone, dealing with this big time myself, really sucks, but there are things that can help you control it.. and it seems to come and go, get better and worse,
      Stress makes it worse big time,so exercise some and try to chill, use heat, swimming is good.
      Good luck and wish you well!!

  14. Beth says:

    I had my gallbladder removed 4-19-18 n an emergency situation. They attempted to remove it laparopicly but ended up doing an open procedure as my gallbladder was semi-necrotic and had partially fused to my liver. Almost 5 weeks in and I am nearing the amount of pain I was in post surgical. There is a swelling over my right ribs that is both visible and can be felt. I have called all my doctors GP, surgeon and gastroenterologist and no one seems concerned. Tonight I have started with a low grade fever, 100.6, and still have this painful bruised feeling. I will try calling my doctors again tomorrow, or go back to the ER if I am still feverish in the AM. Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar?

    • I had gaulbladder removal as a urgent admission my liver was underperforming as I started going jaundice I had it removed by laparoscopic it’s now may and my stomach is still bloated I hardly eat but not loosing any weight in fact it’s gone up a bit can anyone help it’s so painful I look 8 months pregnant

      • cathy koester says:

        same here…gained 16 maybe more by now. Feel full all the time. Its weird cause when you know you havent eaten yet youre full. Was told constipation so i take stuff but it really doesnt help. I feel hopeless a lot i see some others do too. It gets old feeling so bad but i keep trying new ways to eat. I am trying protein liguids with fruit blended to see if it helps. Just got done crying so i guess thats my answer. Drinking water with lemon rest of day…some hot teas seem to help too.

  15. Tuya says:

    Hi i m 5month pregnant lady,I had did my golbladder surgery 28th April 2018, after that my pain was fine but from 8th may, almost after 1week I m getting pain top right of my abdomen and back also whenever I m sitting, is it normal?Dr said in pregnancy such things happens but my question is why that area?he had no answer, please help me.

  16. Emma morris says:

    Hi I had gallbladder removed in September 2014 and just started having same pain under the rib cage please helps

  17. Jack says:

    Where are the holes suppose to be when you have gallbladder surgery

    • Rissa says:

      1 below the sternum then two more diagonally down the right side of abdomen and 1 the belly button at least that’s where mine are had surgery May 4th 2018

  18. Jessica says:

    I had keyhole gallbladder removal oct 29th 2017. I was fine gealed normally up until about 3 months later started having a dull pain on right side that would sometines go to left. I had bloodwork and a ct scan with and without imaging came back normal. Pain went away again and no issues. Then now here we are again with a dull ache on the right side and left sometimes. Sometimes if i sleep on my right side i wake up with a soremess. What would be causing this.

    • Liz says:

      I’m having same thing, same time frame….I sure hope someone answers

      • Marvin42 says:

        Me too. had this for years now.. doctors say they don’t know.
        I believe it’s the muscles where they did the surgery, nerve pain, incision pain, adhesions. I’m following up with another doctor on this.. let us know if you find anything.

  19. Kelsey says:


    I had my gallbladder out 3 weeks ago (3/26) laproscopically. I’ve been achy, and suffered a fall down the stairs about a week ago and today I’ve been having sudden sharp pains at and around my top incision site right below my sternum. Are these something I need to be concerned about? The stabbing pain isn’t constant but have been coming in random bursts. Thanks!

  20. Rene Martinez says:

    I had gallbladder surgery over a year ago. When i bend over to tie my shoes or any longer than a couple of seconds, I get severe pains where my gallbladder used to be- like twisting and tearing. Is this normal?

    • Marie jane Kerridge says:

      I’m the same. It’s like someone is twisting your insides and when you lay back flat it eventually twists back but is very painful. I’ve had camera Up and down, I’ve had an MRI scan and blood test. The only thing I haven’t had is an ultra sound. I’m on oramorph for the pain although this doesn’t help much. Have you found any answers? I’m going out of my mind as it’s extremely painful and there’s a dull ache there all the time.

      • Marvin42 says:

        I have SOD, and know that pain, and that is not this.
        but I’ve had this as well off and on. can happen when I sleep or sit wrong, do heaving lifting.
        I’m trying to get and answer as well.. got to be the muscles, inscisions, scar tissue, adhesions, or damaged nerves in there, I believe anyway.
        Not sure what to do, the SOD I can handle, this i’m still working on.
        They like to make you think gallbladder surgery is no big deal.. not true eh!!!

        • Marvin42 says:

          I have had some luck with Gabapentin and low dose anti-depressants, these work better for the pain than pain meds.. and are safer.

  21. Dana says:

    I am having pain in my right shoulder blade, sharp pain. And occasionally a bit of twinges in the area under my right rib where my gallbladder was. However my gallbladder was removed over 4 years ago? So why would I all of a sudden in the last month have this pain off and on. I dont know if I should see a doctor or not? My gallbladder was removed for not functioning properly, I didnt have stones causing issues.

    • Ryan says:

      I been dealing with same thing. I thought maybe from alcohol but stopped or lowered drinking for year and still had dull aches. But lately it comes and goes every day and I eat like a nutritionist.

  22. Jane says:

    I had my gallbladder removed in August 2017 I had pain in my right side like a stitch up until end December 2017. Then it stopped !

  23. O'regan says:

    I am a 70 y old, fit, don’t drink, smoke or eat meat; sometimes chicken of salmon but mostly salads, veg soup, cereals, fruits…..
    I had my gall bladder removed some 40ys ago. It was a full operation as it was an emergency. All went well since, no problem was on low fat for many years but from time to time I like cheese.
    Several time I had complained from pains on the top right quadrant, like gallbladder pains, sometimes under right rib cage (often swollen and painfull, sometimes from the middle of my stomach and radiating on the side right to the lower back, I had to stop doing exercises as when lying down I feel nauseous and dizzy, some times out of the blue I get very feverish…
    My GP said it was reflux and prescribe Omeprazole but made it worse, then had Mezzopram dispersible, was good for 1 month or 2 as it stopped a constant coughing which I had complain about for years, this helped but again after 2 months, the pains are getting sharper, and constant. Sometimes feels like stones are digging inside my liver or pancreas . I go on diet for days, drink herbal tea, and light bouillon but it is not effective anymore.
    Any suggestions as what to ask for referral? I had a laparoscopy, negative, a scan, negative, but pains persists and getting worse.

    • Jan Modric says:

      It can help to understand your situation better if you answer:
      1. Do you have heartburn (burning pain in chest or throat) that gets worse when you are lying down?
      2. When you feel feverish, does your measured temperature actually increase?
      3. Is the pain on the right side accompanied with the pain in the right shoulder/blade?

      Pain in the right upper abdomen than radiates to the back and gets worse after lying down could be from trapped gas. Adjusting the diet may help; a low-FODMAP diet is often recommended (search online). I am not saying this is happening in your case, though.

      • O'Regan says:

        Thank you for your reply.
        I did not take my temperature.. I will check FODMAP
        I don;t have heartburn or chest pain.
        I saw my GP and I am waiting for an ultrasound scan.
        I had a very sudden and sharp pain on my left side, I thought I had a heart attack
        I was like somebody heating me very hard! But again, after tests, all normal!
        Will an ultra sound scan show stones?

        • Jan Modric says:

          Ultrasound can show kidney stones. Theoretically, you could have newly formed gallstones or inflammation in the bile duct, but ultrasound will not likely reveal this – anyway, you can ask a doctor about this.

  24. Floyd says:

    I had my gallbladder removed on 02 05 2018 and currently I have moderate to severe pain in my right shoulder area (trap muscle & collar bone). I cannot sleep on my right side – it hurts if I try and if I breathe in while laying on my right shoulder the pain becomes severe – will this go away? Is there anything (treatment) I can do to lessen the pain?

    • Jan Modric says:

      Several people here reported having such pain for more than a week after surgery. The pain is probably from the irritation of the diaphragm due to instilled gas during laparoscopy; if it’s this it should resolve by itself. If the pain continues, go to a doctor.

  25. Laura Smith says:

    My gallbladder was removed Oct. 2nd,2017. It had not burst. At pre-op I told the Dr. my pain for many months prior was a couple of lumps near my belly button and he pushed them and said Öh those appear to be Lipomas”. They still hurt now and worse since I let my dog jump innocently on them. Is this normal to have this pain or anything to do with the gallbladder issue?

    • Jan Modric says:

      Lipomas are only rarely painful. I see no association between the lumps around the belly button and gallbladder disease or gallbladder removal. The lumps could be intestinal herniations or cyst, for example. I suggest you to get this checked again by a doctor (another one if necessary).

  26. Sheilagh Hartley says:

    Hi. I had my gallbladder removed 1 week ago. I was never advised to change my diet ect I’m having more pains now then I did before removal. I’m getting pain at the left side of my navel more So when light pressure is applied they did not go in my navel they went across the top??? And also I get bloating after I eat. I have constipailtion. I can’t lay on my right side and it caused shooting pain where my liver is and in my right arm and shoulder and also I get pain under my right rib cage and right shoulder every time i breath in the pain worsens when i take a deeper breath. I know it’s very early in the healing process but is this normal??

    • Jan Modric says:

      Pain on the right side referred to the right shoulder after gallbladder removal is common and is usually caused by gas that was instilled into the abdominal cavity during laparoscopy. Such pain can last few days; not sure if one week. If the pain persists or worsens, visit a doctor. Constipation may be due to pain. You can try to adjust your diet and consume more foods high in insoluble fiber, such as whole-grain products.

    • julia rogers says:

      Its been almost two full months since i got the surgery. And i can assure you thats 100% normal. I went through the same exact stuff. I could only lay on my right side. And had to breathe very slowly. And calmly. It still hurt like hell. Or i laid on my back. But then i think that made my back worse because of the gas that was still there. Your not alone. I know its scary. at 17 i had to get it taken out. It sucks for anyone. Keep a bland deit. And you will want to adress the constipation. Trust me. Coffee flushes me out. If that helps.

    • Toni says:

      I am two weeks post surgery and you have described what I am experiencing to a tee.
      Did you go back to your dr…what did they say or did it get better over time?

  27. Cassandra says:

    My gallbladder surgery was on the 27th if December. I thought I was healing well until about a week ago when I begin to get sharp unexpected pains at incision sites. One incision site even feels like their is a tiny pea underneath.In addition, I have completely changed my diet as to avoid fatty foods (cheeses, ice cream, high fat meats, etc) and up the veggies, fruits (not grapefruit as instructed) and proteins. I have even shifted from eating 2 main meals in my day to smaller meals throughout. Any ideas/thoughts as to what this pain is from is greatly appreciated.

    • Jan Modric says:

      Newly appearing pain 1 month after surgery does not sound like a part of the normal healing process. It could be an infection, bile leakage or adhesions, for example. I suggest you to contact the surgeon.

  28. Ruth Ganira says:

    I had laparoscopic surgery of gall bladder on 18th January 2018. Today is 10th day after surgery. I get episodes of extreme pain on my right side right hand shakes and pain can last for 1 hour to 3 hours. I saw the surgeon 2 days ago and he increased my pain killers and said I was improving. I feel worse compared to before surgery.

    • Jan Modric says:

      Such pain 10 days after surgery and not improving may not be normal. The pain can be caused by bile leakage or a retained gallstone in the bile duct, for example. If pain continues, I suggest you go back to the doctor and ask for some investigations.

  29. Chandra Griesemer says:

    I had laparoscopic Cholecystectomy on Jan 3rd. (Three weeks ago). The first week was pretty rough, but I made it over the hump and have felt like I’m on the mend. Have gradually been increasing my dietary intake without any complications as of yet. I have even had normal foods including venison burger and cheese. The last couple days though, I get a bit of a pain in the upper right quadrant just below the rib cage. It comes and goes, and is worse when straining or moving around to much like jogging. I am hoping it’s just the healing process of them removing my gallbladder that was tucked right up under the liver nice and close… If the pain does not subside within the next couple weeks, I will begin to try a low fat diet, to see if that helps. Also, I’ve been doing a lot of reading about the possibility of using a bile builder to help aid digestion and absorption of essential nutrients. Many folks use a supplement that includes OX Bile. Before taking anything like that, i would first suggest talking to your Doctor, and do some of your own reading and research. Good luck to all of you! I genuinely hope you have all found some answers.

    • Jan Modric says:

      After gallbladder removal, the bile flows directly from the liver into the small intestine. If you can eat fatty foods, like cheese, without having diarrhea, it means you can properly digest fat and you do not need bile supplements.

      One possible cause of pain below the right rib cage is trapped gas. The pain can be caused by otherwise normal amounts of gas in combination with stress. So, maybe some dietary adjustments described in that article and trying to cope with stress can help you.

      If you get fever, jaundice or stick stools or if pain persists, visit a doctor. Commnon causes of pain after gallbladder removal are infection of the surgical wound, retaind gallstones in the bile duct, adhesions (internal scars) and sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.

  30. Joe De Sptal says:

    After 5 years of awful gallbladder surgery I am in excruciating pain. No one not even a Stanford specialist could figure it. I am so miserable that I see no more continue in this painful body. I don’t know what to do.
    I feel like pain got to my soul now.

  31. Annabelle says:

    I started having problems with my gallbladder for the first time last summer. I had an open cholecystectomy in the beginning of December.
    When I arrived to the ER with sharp pain, they told me I have to be admitted to the hospital to have emergency surgery and I spent 10 days in the hosp altogether, during which I had infection and felt like I was dying. They also did a ERCP the next day following the surgery. Now, almost two months later, I am still feeling weak, smts shaky and although there isn’t that much pain anymore, I just don’t feel 100 percent. I was wondering if that is normal ?

    • Jan Modric says:

      Feeling weak and shaky 2 months after surgery does not sound normal to me.

      • Annabelle says:

        Okay, so what do you think the possible causes could be?? The liver enzymes came back normal.

        • Jan Modric says:

          After gallbladder removal, some stones can get suck in the bile duct, which can result in elevated liver enzymes. The stones can also trigger inflammation or infection of the bile duct (cholangitis), which might explain shakiness. If you continue to feel ill, you may want to discuss with a doctor about these possibilities.

  32. Ann says:

    Is it normal for your liver to get bruise after gallbladder surgery or is it surgeon mistake?

    • Jan Modric says:

      Did anyone say it is “a liver bruise and confirmed it by any investigation?” A liver bruise can be a side effect or complication of gallbladder surgery. I can’t judge if this is due to a surgeon’s mistake.

  33. Lerie says:

    I had my GB out last nov 31, 2017
    I am doing great. Sometimes bloated & sometimea constipated..
    I am worried about my navel area (particularly surrounding the incision on the abdomen) .. i feel like it is still swollen inside. I can still feel pain (inside) whenever i touch the area
    Is it normal?
    Thank you for the reply…

    • Jan Modric says:

      Your doctor or, better, the surgeon, can judge is this is a part of normal healing process or not. Pain persisting for 1.5 month after surgery may not be normal.

  34. Gerald says:

    I had my gallbladder out on the 10th October 2017 and have had severe pain in right rib cage ever since gallbladder was attached to liver and had drain fitted for 24 hours could this be the cause as still healing .
    I have had chest X-ray and blood taken and this as came back satisfactory doctor mentioned Sludge or stones that could have been missed I try to live as normal daily life but not being able to sleep on right side and being woke up with a feeling of someone sticking a knife in your rib cage is starting to ware me down

    • Jan Modric says:

      One possibility after removing a gallbladder that was attached to the liver would be scar (adhesions) formation) at the site of the removal. Adhesions can cause pain and are not seen on an X-ray. They would be probably seen on a CT or MRI, though. Adhesions can be removed by a simple laparoscopic surgery. I’m not saying this has really happened but you can discuss this with your doctor.

  35. Whitney R. says:

    Hey there,
    I had mine removed Nov 30th. Since then, I get a ripping/tearing sensation between my ribs and one of the incisions. There is slight discoloration (not enough to really call is a bruise) in the area. The first time happened about a week ago when I had twisted to look behind me but the pain lasted a few days. Then again today when I stretched out while laying on my back in bed. Same spot, once again a burning/ripping feeling. I became nauseous this time too. Any ideas?

  36. Chandra says:

    Hi, I had my gb removed 4 years ago. I had the normal stuff like diahrrhea and such. Nothing too serious. Anyways I also had pain in my back by my spine underneath my shoulder blade. It was mild pain which would be relieved by popping it. Sometimes when I turn to look back I’d get slight pain by ribs too. Anyways last night I decided to stretch the area to see if it would help my back problem. Lo and behold I woke feeling ten time worse and the pain has spread from my back across my ribs to even under my rib by my gallbladder scar. It hurts to breathe in now when it didn’t before. I’m very worried. But also wondering if it could be from adhesions??

  37. Vicki says:

    I had my gallbladder removed beginning of November. I had a massive 2cm stone and some minor pains and irritation. I find after removal the pain in my right side is way worse. After I eat regardless of what it is is it hurts. I’ll have pain first thing in the morning when I wake up sometimes. Is this normal

    • Jan Modric says:

      1 month after removal, such pain does not sound normal to me. Two causes I can think of are sphincter of Oddi dysfunction and retained gallstones in the bile ducts, so you may want to discuss this to a doctor.

  38. Jim says:

    I had my gallbladder removed over two years ago as the pain was so bad and I had to have emergency surgery. I was told I would have keyhole surgery and would be home within a couple of days. When I awoke after the surgery my stomach looked like Doctor Frankenstein had went berserk with the staplegun. They had encountered problems and I ended up in high dependency and in total three weeks in hospital. Since then the pain at times has been horrendous and I’ve had a few more stays in hospital. The pain starts in my back then within a few seconds the pain travels to my stomach and becomes unbearable. I had an endoscopy then next day I had a seizure throwing up pints of blood and needed transfusions as they must have nicked something. Recently the episodes have become more frequent and I just have to lie down and just have to suffer the pain and ride it out. Some of the time the pain is on my right side and lasts much longer, as I sit writing this I have had it for over an hour. Doctors and hospital don’t seem to be able to help.

    • Jan Modric says:

      Do you trust this hospital and their doctors? If not, ask someone other. Such pain can arise from stones in the common bile duct, biliary dyskinesia or adhesions, for example.

      • Jim says:

        Hi Jan and thanks for your reply. Yes I do trust the hospital as it is well known but after so many scans and investigations the problem now seems to be getting worse as I’ve had it constantly for a few days with no relieve at all. When the pain is at it’s worse I just lie down and curl up waiting for it to go away. It is soul destroying and ruining my life as it can come on at any time with no warning and even happened as I was going into my dentist for an appointment. Totally lost and don’t know what to do next ?????

        • Jan Modric says:

          Collect your medical documentation and check which investigations have been done and what was confirmed or excluded. Which are exact diagnoses that you have and which ones have been excluded by investigations.

          One thing the doctors probably did not check are adhesions that cannot be seen during endoscopy but during laparoscopy. Also, did they check for sphincter of Oddi dysfunction? It can help what does your pain feel like exactly, where it is and when exactly it happens (what triggers it).

    • Natalie says:

      3 years ago I had keyhole surgery to remove my gallbladder. I was in an out of hospital the same day as all went well.

      Apart from having the normal burping, gas wind, constipation, diarrhoea I’ve been fine up until a few months ago I have a constant dull ache where my gallbladder was and it just drains me.

      I went to the Dr’s and he prescribed me omeprazole but that doesn’t help at all. It’s just like a proper dull pain where the gallbladder was.

      Any idea as to what this maybe?

      • Jan Modric says:

        Common causes of such pain include adhesions, retained gallstones in the bile duct and sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. One possible cause, not related to gallbladder is also trapped gas.

  39. Anne Hawken says:

    Gall bladder removed 6 years ago. Constant pain at the removal site and abdominal pain. Have tried every diet suggested. I do not smoke, drink, eat heavy meals. An ERCP was done about 5 years ago and some sludge was removed. While I have had several scans and several endoscopies of the stomach, only mild inflammation is reported. Stools are rock hard no matter what I try as remedies from diet to stool softner. At this point I cannot stand for more than 20-25 minutes with stabbing pain. Any suggestions?

    • Jan Modric says:

      For constipation it can work greatly, if you regularly eat foods high in insoluble fiber, for example whole grain bread with seeds, cabbage and other green leafy vegetables and limit foods with no/little fiber, such as chocolate, desserts, potato chips, French fries, white bread products. This works only if you drink enough water. Regular physical activity, such as walking, can also help.

      It is constipation that could be an actual cause of your pain.

      You can also think if maybe foods that produce gas (legumes, barley, oats) worsen your symptoms.

  40. Samsam says:

    I had may gallbladder removed last Nov 5th,via laparoscopic cholecystectomy and im currently having an annoying pain on the upper right side of my stomach, it is tolerable though, but im a bit worried if it’s normal or not. It worsen the pain whenever im carrying my 12kilos 5month old baby..

    • Jan Modric says:

      The pain from the instilled gas usually disappears within a week and the pain from the surgical wounds can last for few weeks. If you feel your pain is not normal or worsening, visit a doctor.

  41. im newman says:

    Hi all,have had surgery a few days ago,gallbladder removed.If anyone should avoid pain,stop eating greasy and fatty foods,no caffein.Eat healthy,i also try at home none medication,but only sleep on my back.Dull pain accure at right side no probs furthure,only problem is my uvulu got bigger and bigger cause the immune system failure.Also kept in mine that our health comes first than the rest.

  42. Sharon Hallett says:

    I had my gallbladder laparoscopically removed on Nov 8. I’m in discomfort which is expected but yesterday I noticed a lump under my right lower rib cage accompanied with pain, like it’s swollen. I woke up this morning and it feels like I cracked a rib and it hurts to take a big breath in. Has anyone experienced this? I went out yesterday but maybe I overdid it, perhaps?

  43. marie liddick says:

    I got my gallbladder taken out last December 2016, and I am still having pain in my right side. They put a scope down my throat and looked around and said everything is fine but the pain is always there and if I eat anything with any fat at all the pain is so bad I cry . I don’t know how to make it stop I have tried every pill there is I swear its frustrating

  44. claire smith says:

    I had my gallbladder removed roughly 8 yrs ago. I have had the odd flare up over the years but have found certain foods make me rush to the toilet within 10 mins of eating them. Certain foods cause a lot of burping and in past 6 weeks all my symptoms returned. I’m now back to cutting out fatty foods again to see if this helps.

  45. Marie Walker says:

    My 61 year old father had his gallbladder removed Oct. 12 2017 (laparoscopic)
    first couple of days he seemed fine(probably over did it physically) Then the gas pain started-He also had nausea and vomiting and his main incision bled, so I took him to the ER. They gave him fluids and he was fine. Then came the sharp piercing pain on his right side(Surgeon warned him of this pain) The only relief is when he is standing bent over his recliner.
    It is SO hard to watch him be in such pain. I have called his surgeon’s nurse several times and was told to make sure he is walking(He is!) and that Gas X and a stool softener would help.

    Just gave him Gas X and he is being stubborn about the stool softener-
    Any advice?

  46. cory says:

    It is good to hear that we are not alone in post operative symptoms and to know possible outcomes. However, it would be more helpful it people returned and reported their outcome. Even a resolved on it’s own is helpful.

  47. Trev says:

    Had gallbladder removal, and hernia fixed around my belly button, nearly a year gone by now, and still problems, swelling where the gallbladder was, it feels very uneasy, a nigglin pain, not sharp etc, a little like a burning pain, feels like something heavy holding me down on the right hand side,
    as soon as I have eaten its off to the toilet within one hour, passing urine seems to stop it a bit, been to see the specialist, and they want to do colonoscopy again, had this 18 months ago, and they found polyps, which they cut away, not cancer thank goodness, but he wants to check this out first, before referring me back to surgeon which did gallbladder op, thinks it might be bile ducts, so although I do not regret having the op, as they found a massive stone blocking the gallbladder, and it could have burst, was hoping by now, things would start to be getting better!

    • Suzanne says:

      I am experiencing the same pain and restroom symptoms you are describing. I am 4 weeks post op. I haven’t seen my doctor about my complaints as I wanted to do a little research myself first in case it was normal. Have you had an answers so far regarding your bile ducts? TIA
      I think I should make an appointment to see my surgeon.

      • Trev says:

        They are insisting on doing a colonoscopy first to rule out any problem in that area on 20 November, not looking forward to that, and only if that is all okay, will they start investigations around where the gallbladder was.

  48. Noel M Puentes says:

    I had my gallbladder removed Sept. 13th. Pain and discomfort was already fading away this past weekend. Yesterday, I took a nap on my right side and woke up to a new, dull pain just to the right of my bellybutton. Today, the pain has increased and it hurts to move around the house. I have tried to calm the pain with the Tylenol 4 I was prescribed after surgery and have been trying to manage the pain with ice packs. The pain is still pretty sharp, the meds and the ice only help temporarily.

  49. Pamela says:

    I had laparoscopic gallbladder removel sept 20. 2017. Today being the next day i have spasm like feeling from trying to sit up or adjust myself on the right lower side. I am also having a hard time going pee. When i was in the hospital i could go with a bit of pushing but now home and not on iv fluids i am having a hard time. Anyone else with these problems? Any advice would be great. I am freaking out first surgery and its not going great.

    • Jan Modric says:

      Having some pain in the upper abdomen or shoulder blades for few days after surgery can be normal. If despite drinking enough (as usually) you cannot urinate even a small bit or if pain gets worse, you need to go to a doctor immediately.

  50. Nikki says:

    Hi, I am 32 years old I had gallbladder surgery 6 days ago. Badly sick after wakeup and in pain too. Some time very sharp pain goes in my Right stomach to back shoulder Since yesterday I have noticed when I eat the food stuck upper abdominal and sarp pain. Feels like burps coming and until burps not come out does get relief and food goes embarrassing ?. As I am proper rest and no fat food.
    Stomach get so big because gas I really feel very ? uncomfortable.

    • Jan Modric says:

      You may still have some gas in the abdomen that has left from the surgery. To decrease gas from food, you can try a low-FODMAP diet (search online), in which you avoid milk, fructose, honey and beans…

  51. Devinder S Thakur says:

    I am 47 years of age under gone for laparoscopy gall bladder surgery on 25.08.2017. I have acute pain last night under right rib and also problem in creating. Can you tell me the reason and remedial measures.

    • Jan Modric says:

      For acute pain after surgery it is maybe the best if you go back to the doctor who can check if there is any complication, such as a gallstone in the bile duct or bile leakage.

  52. Latoya says:

    I just got my gall bladder out on Thursday August 31 of 2017. I didn’t really feel to much pain the first day because I was doped up from medication. As soon as I thought I was getting better this morning was the worst pain ever. I literally thought I was dying. My husband ran me to the ER and I was immediately seen. The blood work came back as no infection and the cat scan came back with no problems. They said that I had trapped gas in my stomache. This is the worst pain ever. My stomach cramps up. The only thing that’s keeping me going is walking around the house, and drinking hot tea, and ginger candy. On top of tordol and gax x and pecid ac. I can’t sleep. Every time I lay down here come the cramping and nausea. It’s so frustrating. I just can’t wait until it’s all over. They say some people heal different than others so it might take a few days for the gas to disappear or longer. I just pray it doesn’t last long. I’ve never wanted to fort so bad… lol

    • Shanna says:

      I had my gallbladder removed on the 15th of August I went home same day of surgery and was doing wonderful and about 3:00 pm on the 18th I stood up and felt nauseous and started sweating and was in the worst pain I have ever felt in my life I barely could walk my husband had to put me in the car I got to my doctor’s office and they called an ambulance (I called the emergency number on my discharge papers and they told me to come to the clinic) well after having a CT done they finally found the problem I was leaking bile into my body and was being poisoned. The next day they put a stint in and stretched my ducts bc he ended up putting the stint in my pancreas instead of in my bile duct. After staying a 5 days in the hospital it seemed like the pain was not getting much better so we have another CT done and it showed I was big time constipated ( Dr said probably from being put to sleep bc apparently my intestines didn’t wake up) so they get me to having BM’s and 2 days later I finally get to go home. A week later they removed the misplaced stint. But as of right now I hurt so bad. I stay nauseous. I have night sweats and chills and excruciating pain my incisions from the gallbladder surgery hurt so bad and they are healed up it has just been a horrible experience for me. And I’m scared to death to say anything because I really don’t want another surgery! But I do go for hopefully my final CT Thursday so I guess it will tell us what is going on if anything at all.

  53. David says:

    I had my GB out 4 days ago. Hiccups for 36 hours is now behind me, I hope. Clinic doc gave me some pills to relax the diaphragm and I finally got some sleep. Feeling better, but still lousy. Can’t believe I was talked into this. Now sharp pain under right ribs is constant. Can’t deep breathe without pain. Recovery otherwise is proceeding, but feels like you do when you have the flu. And they made it sound so easy and painless….

  54. Lesley says:

    I’m 17 and had my gallbladder out about a month ago, I can’t lay on my right side without heartburn or feeling like I’m about to vomit. Any advice

    • Jan Modric says:

      A newly-appearing heartburn and nausea after gallbladder removal can be due to bile reflux, for example. You may want to discuss with a doctor what would be the best treatment for you.

  55. Laura says:

    I had my gallbladder removed laparoscopically a week ago, everything seems to be fine apart from a stitch like feeling where I used to get gallbladder pain, right hand side. Is this normal?

    • Jan Modric says:

      A stitch-like feeling may be from the gas insufflated into the abdomen during surgery. This usually goes away in few days, but it may stay for a bit longer. If it persists or worsens, you may want to contact the surgeon.

  56. NORA says:

    Hi I had my laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery keyholes on 27th Aug 2017, my naval incision and my upper abdomen incision is OK, no complications and wound heals nicely bug my right part is still pain even though the incision is healing and the scars are drying, I still feel discomfort around the area of incision, outside the area. Whenever I bend on my right I could feel the sensation of poking. Not much of pain but still I could feel the pain. I am wondering if the pain associated with muscle or complication. Other then that I don’t have any of the symptoms, nausea, jaundice or diarrhea. Please help me, I am just feel discomfort and stress.

    • Jan Modric says:

      The pain from a surgical wound can persist for few weeks. The problem would be if the pain would worsen or if there would be any discharge from it.

      • NORA says:

        Hi Jan. Tks for the advice. BTW, my pain is not frequently but it is on and off. I feel only when I bend on my right or down. I can breathe easily, I can put my arm up. It is not that intense but I could feel that sensation poking. I heard from my friends who had gone thru this surgery, they told me it could be muscle tension. I am just curious about the pain I feel only around the right incision where the surgeon took out my gallbladder. I have work to do and it is dealing with physical. Doctor told me it is OK after 2 weeks and I could do normal activity. The inside of body will heal during 2 weeks and up to 3 weeks. Please advice me more what is it and what shall I do Base on experience from those who experienced it before. I hate to go back to doctor when the only answer I got is nothing serious.

        • Jan Modric says:

          For me, from here, it is impossible to differ between an expected surgical wound pain or pain from a complication within two days of surgery.

          For few days after surgery, some gas can be still in the abdominal cavity, and this might cause a poking sensation.

          It is a delicate question, so I suggest you to use your best intuition and decide to visit a doctor or not. A surgeon would likely better explain the pain as I can.

  57. Lil says:

    I had mine out on 22nd august 17. Can’t take deep breaths pain is always there. If I cough it hurts and if I move. I’m still sleeping sitting up can’t lay on left or right side. Pain killers don’t help at all can only eat small amounts of food.
    Also noticed my morning urine is very concentrate orange. Dark. I’ve had enough already and want to get back to normal living can walk but not far walking up the stairs I’m breathless wishing I never had it out anyone have any solutions or dealt with this and sorted it. I know it only been a week but I have 4 kids to look after.

    • Jan Modric says:

      Lil, dark urine after gallbladder urine is not normal and it could be due to bilirubin entering urine after blockage of the bile duct by a small gallstone. Please, go to a doctor as soon as possible.

    • Shanna says:

      I had that too after my surgery and I went and got my medical records Friday and come to find out the bottom section of my lungs were collapsed and the doctors didn’t even tell me! But I googled it and it says it is a common thing after surgery. I also have pluresy in lungs and chest. But you’d think they’d tell you if your freakin lungs were parcely collapsed ya know but it’s been almost 4 weeks since I had my surgery and it is getting better yawning deep breaths coughing still hurt some and I get winded walking some but not as bad as I have been.

  58. ANGELA says:

    HI Jovan here is the thing: You have to give it a whole year for things to improve I had my surgery 11 months ago .I still have some discomfort .The healing process is different for. Everybody for sone might take 2 weeks from others more,but it does get better your whole body has to adjust to this huge change and is not as simple as simple as the surgeons lead you to believe just give urself time to heal it does get better .Many blessings and good luck.

  59. Jóvan says:

    good evening Id like to know if anyone can give me advice.Im 20 years of age and one the first of March 2017 I had my Gall bladder removed. But since after the surgery I have been having pains on the right side of the cut under my rib case. and 3 hours after my surgery I told my doctor about it and he said its normal. When i went for my check up a week after the surgery i told him about the pain i still had and he said its normal. its been 4 months now and yet i still have this pain i cant sit or lay right when i turn in my sleep the pain wakes me up because its so sore… i cant breathe deep breaths because it hurts. walking is ok and i cant run due to the pain over the past week pain has gotten worse and its so sore that it hurts when im walking even. please can someone tell me their opinion about whats wrong and how do i go about it?

    • Jan Modric says:

      Pain under the ribs lasting for few days after gallbladder surgery is common and normal, but pain lasting for 4 months is not. Pain that obviously changes with body position is very likely from some physical problem, for example, adhesions or something other pulling the abdominal organs. I strongly encourage you to go back to the doctor and insist in further investigations.

    • Lisa says:

      I have the same thing.
      The pain is so intense and i can not move without setting the pain off. If i raise my right arm above my head it sets it off. I cant not breathe properly because of the pain. My surgery was in 2013 and still no answers. I have had many tests with no luck.
      Good luck and i hope you find some answers.

      • Lucy says:

        I was in constant pain for 14 years due to my gal bladder before they took it out. And it has been the best thing they’ve done. My days of morphine and nose tubes are over I hope. Anyway, long story short, my gal bladder was septic and stuck onto my liver with all adhesions on it and I didn’t know what adhedsions were till I googled them… you can get them after sergerys…exept in my case. But sounds similar catchy pain I use to get and I could hardly breath. And the most interesting thing is that they don’t show up on any test/or scan…
        Hope I helped.

    • Shania Jiron says:

      Have you figured out what was wrong? I currently had surgery on the 16th of August and Its a week later and the pain is more and more intense. Im so uncomfy, I have 2 babies and I cant lift them or bend over without setting off the worst pain under my right breast.

    • Jess says:

      I had my gall bladder removed a little over a month ago and recently started having sharp pains under my right rib cage area and hurts to take deep and normal breaths times as well. Not sure if I’m still healing but it’s even painful to walk and move when it’s acting up. So frustrating.

      • Beth says:

        Jess, I just had mine removed this past Monday and having that kind of pain in the same area. It’s worse by the day and making me crazy! Do you know what yours is from?

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